Spatial repellent Resources

Landscaping Reports

Black and white drawing of the PEET Grady test chamber with measurements showing a cube structure with multiple square openings on each side and on the roof.
Landscaping Report: PEET Grady test chamber

Landscaping Report: PEET Grady test chamber

Image of needle in upper left quadrant with tip of needle on 1 of 10 mosquitoes lying dormant on a petri dish held by a blue gloved hand.
Landscaping Report: Intrinsic Toxicity Testing – Topical Bioassay

Landscaping Report: Intrinsic Toxicity Testing – Topical Bioassay

PEET Grady Chamber SOPs

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Wind tunnel SOPs

Wind tunnel configuration, showing the twin fluid gravity fed venturi nozzle, the baffled opening for air straightening, opening downwind from the point of atomization and at the rear an extraction fan.
SOP: Wind Tunnel Testing

SOP: Wind Tunnel Testing

SOP: Intrinsic Toxicity

SOP: Intrinsic Toxicity

Mosquito cage showing a black metal frame and netting on all sides with a knot in the netting in the front to close the opening. Numerous mosquitoes are inside.
SOP: Tunnel Test

SOP: Tunnel Test

WHO Spatial Repellency Assay SOPs

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!