Methods Validation

Recent Outputs

  • Publication of the Method Validation Framework, a key development in the effort to generate consistent, high-quality data for evaluating control tools.
  • Development of the Methods Landscape, documenting the current methods used to develop and assess vector control tools, inclusive of reports reviewing test methods to date, and a repository of best practice standard operating procedures for the laboratory and semi-field testing of vector control products from global testing sites.
  • Publications on sources of variability in vector control bioassays.
  • Continued contribution to WHO policy.
Picture of two hands in latex blue gloves of person wearing a royal blue lab coat. The left hand is holding a data collection sheet in place on a lab counter on the left of the image. The right hand is using a black pen to write data entries. Behind the data collection sheet is a white cup holding tubes with green rubber bands around the top of the tubes.

Current Activities

  • Application of the Method Validation Framework to validate methods for operational research on novel vector control methods.
  • Expansion of the vector control Methods Landscape to include new areas of interest and novel tools.
  • Developing more standardised testing methodologies to minimise sources and scale of variability.
  • Developing a new sample size framework for a range of widely used mosquito bioassay which will be accessible through easy-to-use applications.
  • Novel bioassay development for dual-active ingredient products.
  • Co-ordination of evaluation of ITN physical durability and testing methodologies to meet the requirements of the WHO Prequalification team.
Blue gloved hand holding a tube with three mosquitoes showing against the mesh secured at the end of the tube with a green rubber band.